The experience you had is going to be measured by anecdote or strict wording if it is sufficiently retrieved and accurately applied.
There could be all manner of reasons as to why each experience, even a valuable one, is not vividly recalled or properly used.
But let's say, for the sake of the argument, that experience is competently advised whether by text or skype or any of the other modes of communication that exist these days. While it's insisted by contractors in every industry, experience working in a kitchen is useful to the degree you are preparing food, cooking or washing up in your current role. Please check whichever box applies.
Experience in replacing an air filter is not the same as possessing skill in doing so, though it is to be preferred (just) to handing it to someone who doesn't know where it fits nor what it's for.
Experience in selling bric-a-brac will help when selling from your own rooms or in the employ of another. This experience may be varnished with genuine enthusiasm or tarnished with any corresponding lack.
Trawling back over what remained of most useful skills and then seeing whether most important skills were any different, left only self-management which is covered under emotional intelligence and numeracy which is the same as math.
So if these universal skills were all in play, what about experience? It is an inexact science gathering what the most useful experience might be just by looking at search engine ranking.
We find Quora again and there are work experience oriented queries but that's in the Bing search engine. On Google the Marissa Mayer quote comes up often*, any shallowness you might suspect is absent in the correspondent who declares on Glassdoor their time at AIESAC as the most useful experience, despite being critical of management.
Quora in this ranking vexes 'what is the most useful experience in losing weight?' an obsession if ever there was. Reverso Context translates into Russian
The representative of Venezuela emphasized that the expert meeting on energy services had been a most useful experience.Over in reddit, pipping Quora on this occasion, they ask 'What is the most useful experience you have ever had?" which is what I was angling for all along. The highlighted response recounts coming in dead last at a 5k. I don't know what that means, but the respondent says it was upsetting at the time then later turned out to be useful. Character building from what I can gather.
*The utmost thing is the user experience, to have the most useful experienceIII
Do you need experience to grow nasturtiums? Or can you take your cue from The Micro Gardener, Gardener's Supply, Almanac.com, Aussie Green Thumb, Burke's Backyard, Plant Care Today, goodfood.com.au, Life on the Balcony, Mr Brown Thumb or Savvy Gardening.
Experience can be passive: the experience of being the son of a Dutch immigrant
or more engaged: the experience of having a father who comes in to the school to coach athletics
experience in the moment: winning trophies
experience to reflect on: lapsed sprinter
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