Sunday, May 07, 2017

Glut feeling

Backtracking, I realised when reading about 'easiest jobs to fill' that this is another way of saying that there are a large number of people in these professions out of work. For that reason, the first to come up in this search, describing the situation at the end of 2009, just seems too long ago.
It does tell us in no uncertain terms that an Obama presidency was good for jobs as, by 2015 a site was quoting The government said unemployment declined to 5.5 percent in February from 5.7 percent the previous month. That’s the lowest national unemployment rate since May 2008.

Other than finding out this salient fact, these more recent job statistics are short on detail saying only
'The easiest jobs to fill are those in construction and in leisure and hospitality'

Thus, back to that earlier list, grain of salt at the ready

  1. Architects
  2. Carpenters
  3. Production supervisors and assembly workers
  4. Pilots
  5. Computer software engineers
  6. Mechanical engineers
  7. Construction workers
  8. Tellers
  9. Bookkeeping, accounting and auditing clerks 
Image result for "architects" one should not seek to know


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