Monday, December 24, 2018

a litter of airy journals

Again? Does any literary journal want the work of one writer? Isn't the idea to give an even spread? Maybe your style flat out doesn't suit the theme of some issues or is working outside the dynamic of other contributors whose work we favour.
There's a reason even seasoned authors have a slush pile and keep rejection letters to track their progress and to celebrate when work does get accepted.

What makes you think that having a widely unread blog qualifies you to jump the queue? Do you even have an agent? You've been trying to get one. You've been looking up 'literary agent' and asking online. OK

What's the point of choosing a familiar title that I have a personal connection to in showing what I am capable of? Well, that's presumably harder than choosing something obscure and without emotional resonance.
I could probably have a go at Dagenham Dave or (I Don't Want to) Go to Chelsea but, realistically, I know nothing about these places and I'd be bringing my own regional sensibility into the piece so there's not much point. I've had to shelve the completed product for Get a grip on yourself (without parentheses)

Rejected manuscript

Although my writer wrung every drop
out of miss us Malaprop
should suit to bring me to notice
Not us they cried

Look at your lack of lucid locale
No centre to enter where you're in control
Words are for the birds
where is the soul?

The enriching skritching and enraptured scratching
coarse thoughts and crosshatching
Shown the era of our ways


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