Sunday, December 23, 2018

Keeping a journal

If this article is any indication, maintaining a literary journal in Australia requires some dedication. Given the importance, whether as gadfly or guiding light, I can be thankful for this by inference.

As far as publishers go, Overland speaks of publishing work - the title of the journal and the name of the publisher are indivisible, with maybe some Inc splashed around.
The Review Review on the other hand notes that 'Southerly is Australia’s oldest literary journal, founded in 1939 by R. G. Howarth and published by the Sydney branch of the English Association.' 
Westerly was established through the efforts of arts students at UWA

What's missing, as far as I'm concerned, is a veritable pipeline from poet to publication. No going caps in hand to see whether your latest work is up to standard. It is, deal with it.

I can see situations where various scribes have elected to start their own magazine because it's a way of getting their own work out there and to network. I don't think every poet should have to do that when it's as simple for the few to say "You want me to create an original piece using the title of one of my favourite artists songs without it being a tribute to his number? No probs"

Lip Service
A slip of the tongue
chewing  gum
starting to hum
demands to daemon
been struck dumb

A brandished brief
whistles through teeth
palatial as palatable
all relational still sensational
pursing lips at fever grip
fractured phrasings at her fingertips


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