Thursday, June 16, 2016

Shop absorption

The trouble with detailing retail. commenting on commerce and talking shop is that you run the risk of finding a juicy link that then finds all unwary blog readers confronted with the same "Join my site" enjoinder.

This happened to me with the smallest shop clickbait and maybe their focus says something about their marketing approach.

If you want to go to the smallest coffee shop or smallest Ikea shop then that's freedom of choice.

Arc Aid

I came back empty handed on my arcade wander so can't say much beyond the fact a shopping arcade in Japan is mentioned more than once for staggering length,

Ye olde shoppe

Boxford Stores has been around since 1420 when it was a warehouse buying and selling wool and fabric. Since then the site has been home to butchers, grocers, ironmongers and drapers

Rows by any other name

Chester Rows is likely to be the oldest continually operating shopping mall/centre in the world, dating back at least to the thirteenth century. Different rows specialised in different goods.


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