Monday, January 26, 2015

By association

158 of these 'laws unto themselves' (as some would have it) lead off by association in its various translations. The symbolic value of associating your cause with a coming-together of like minds is what makes using 'association' in your title so effective.

Are there anti-drug associations? You betcha. The list starts and finishes with one; the Association for the resocialization of former addicts. The Associazione Osservatorio Droga  is also interesting as they insist on taking a scientific approach and look at the effects that drugs have on the system.

Associazione Iroko Onlus addresses trafficking, obviously a big problem.

Asociación Civil de DDHH, Mujeres Unidas Migrantes y Refugiadas assists migrant and refugee women and their families.

Associação Brasileira de Defesa da Mulher da Infância e da Juventude doesn't restrict its brief; its mission is to defend the rights of women, family, motherhood, childhood, adolescents and the elderly.

Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia boosts the democratic institutions and fosters respect of all fundamental rights. It does this for the poor of Argentina.

Asociación Coordinadora Civica Nacional brings the fight to drugs and awareness of the environment. Don't think there is a direction to grow your own though.

Asociación Cruz Blanca Panameña, nup still don't know

Asociación de Deportistas contra la Droga - sport as a drug

Asociación Departamental de Productores de Coca  is a legally established organization and representative of the producers of coca leaf

Asociacion Nacional de Investigación Criminológica y Formación Forense de España just seems to be a bit about all these things. You either have a million street kid or AIDS or victims of violence orgs or you have these ones that attend to a few matters at once; perhaps seeing a synergy that evades others.

Asociacion Nacional Defensa Personal Especializada 'organizes free training for emotional protection and security of all citizens about crimes related to public health, physical and psychological aggression and violence'.

Asociación para la Prevención, Reinserción y Atención a la Mujer Prostituida provides for the prevention, rehabilitiation and care of prostituted women

Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa takes disparate measures in helping Honduran society

Asociación Peruana de Facultades de Comunicacion Social translates as Peruvian Association of Schools of Social Communication

Asociación pro Salud Mental del Menor looks after the mental health of minors

Asociación REMAR Nicaragua - REMAR stands for 'Rehabilitation of the poor'

Asociación Secretariado General Gitano: although it doesn't say in the description, deals with gypsies

Asociatia Pro Democratia is one that has my sympathies; literally translating from the Romanian as 'associated pro democracy'

Asociatia Renasterea Botosaneana or Revival Centre Botosani appears to be on the same jag even with the local emphasis

Asociatia Romana Pentru Transparenta is Romanians for Transparency and there is an obvious pattern; the more groups there are touting the virtues of democracy and people power, the more repressive the regime.

Associação de Promoção da Saúde Mental A PONTE = Promotion Association of Mental Health THE BRIDGE

Associação Justiça Paz e Democracia involved in promoting transparency in public policy in Angola (Association for Justice Peace and Democracy)

Associacao Recreativa e Esportiva para Criancas e Adolescentes = Recreational and Sports Association for Children and Adolescents

Associated Country Women of the World

Association SPHERE Burkina

Association Africaine de Défense des Droits de l'Homme = African Association for the Defence of Human Rights

Association Algérienne de Lutte contre la Corruption

Association Amis Juristes de Djibouti

Association CI BITI "Air Libre"

Association Club Scientifique de la Faculte des Sciences Medicales = Association Scientific Club of the Faculty of Medical Sciences

Association Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII/ Community of Pope John XXIII Association

Association congolaise pour la promotion de la santé mentale

Association d'Aide aux Malades Mentaux = Association for Aid to Mentally Ill

Association de protection et de sauvegarde de l'enfance en danger = Protection Association and Protection of children in danger

Association des Badinga du Congo

Association Des Femmes Chrétiennes d'Aide et de Développement

Association des Femmes pour l’Appui aux Actions de Développement = Women's Association for Support to Development Actions

Association du Bonheur

Association Enfants, Jeunes et Avenir

Association Espace Liberté

Association for Childhood Education

Association for Community Development

Association for Developing Alternative Practices for Reintegration and Education

Association for Human Development

Association for Promotion of Creative Learning

Association for Social Programmes Development

Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders Ghana

Association for the Prevention of Torture/Association pour la prevention de la torture

Association for the Promotion of Juvenile Justice "Jean Valjean"

Association for the Social Support of Youth

Association for the Study of the World Refugee Problem

Association for Women and Children

Association Frantz Fanon de Sante Mental et d'aide au Sevrage

Association Help FULL for Women and Children of Immaculate Mary

Association Hors La Rue

Association Internationale des Acteurs du developpement

Association Justice and Mercy


Association Marocaine d'aide aux Enfants en Situation Precaire

Association of African Entrepreneurs

Association of African Women for Research and Development

Association of Doctors and Pharmacists of Kazakhstan

Association of European Parliamentarians for Africa

Association of Inspectors General

Association of Medical Students

Association of National Brotherhood for Social Welfare

Association of Sherpa

Association Phare (Lighthouse)

Association Portes Ouvertes

Association pour l'Action Sociale et le Développement

Association pour la collaboration globale

Association pour la Prise en Charge des Orphelin du SIDA = Association for the Support of AIDS Orphans

Association pour la Promotion de la Lutte Contre les Violences faites aux femmes

Association pour les enfants défavorisés

Association pour une Vision de l’Avenir = Association for Future Sight

Association Serment Universel = Oath Universal Association

Association Terra

Association Transparence et Développement

Association Women for the Contemporary Society

Association “Pozityvus gyvenimas” (Positive life)

Associazione Iroko Onlus

Associazione On the Road Onlus


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