Sure got to shake it up NGO
AID/WATCH does a good job of defining what an Non Government Organisation is and tells us that, on last count, there are 3135 NGOs. That's too many to list and there are a number that are regional in nature, with repetition on a theme. I see quite a few dealing with drugs and others set up to combat human trafficking.
Here are just a few
- Academic Council on the United Nations System
- Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
- Access Info Europe
- Accord Association
- Action Centre for Rural Community Development
- Action for Peace and Development
- Action on Armed Violence
- Actions for Genuine Democratic Alternatives
- Active - Sobriety, Friendship and Peace
- Activists Networking against Exploitation of Children
- Addictive Drug Information Council
- Adventist Development Relief Agency
- Advocacy, Research, Training and Services Foundation
- Aga Khan Development Network
- AsociaciĆ³n Internacional de ex-Becarios
- AIDS Awareness Group
- Ainaworld
- Ak Niet Medico Prophylactic Centre
- Al-Monqith Organisation for Human Rights
- Al-Noor Universal Foundation
- Alamal Charitable Association for Orphans care
- Albanian Civil Society Foundation
- Alcohol and Drug Foundation
- Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia
- Alcohol Drug Education Service
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alive & Kicking
- Alleviate Addiction Suffering
- Alliance on the Reproductive Healthl
- Almanar Voluntary Organisation
- Alpha International
- American Association of Jurists
- American Association of Retired Persons
- American Bar Association
- American Board of Medical Psychotherapists
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Correctional Association
- American Council for Drug Education
- American Society of Criminology
- American Society of International Law
- Amigos do Protocolo de Kyoto
- Amnesty International
These were chosen for their ability to be a representative sample. There are so many aids for AIDS and Africa has a cottage industry in ngo's. Tugging at your heart (or purse) strings through the use of children is only going to work until you're fully subscribed; the moreso if you have part of your pocket devoted to wildlife or wastewatch.
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