Sunday, October 28, 2018

Putting the book down

I just spent six months looking at books. The right thing for a poet to be looking at I guess. In the meantime my daughter stole the march on me and appeared in spoken word appearances in Melbourne, Sydney and Chicago.

She has also offered to illustrate my chapbook so we'll see.

As with other topics, there were exclusions that may have mystified readers: why leave out the Berlin Literary Festival? If you want a TV show based on the books you can't go past Little House on the Prairie (yet this blog did) and Bones even references the fact that the forensic cases serve as a model for the novels by the 'title character'
Great short story writers have popped their head up on television - or in writing credits at least.

Certain authors are favoured but this genuinely is a reflection of the popularity of their works. We have seen what the Web has to say about books so, unless we want to pay a further visit to a message board devoted to an author or title. Or, if you're really hip, their social media.



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