Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Scrooge you all!

As we're rapidly approaching the season of good will to all men and good wilma to all women, I thought it might be timely to fire a shot across the bow to some of the jerks who really don't deserve my festive cheer:

  • Fiji military: four coups in a decade! what's the excuse this time, you dickless wonders
  • Burmese junta: at least they're consistent in their tyranny. big crummy deal
  • Augusto Pinochet: an object lesson in the perils of US intervention
  • OJ Simpson: surely the worst example of not knowing when to have the good grace to quit
  • George W Bush: for lowering the debate and only agreeing to consult when the shit has well and truly hit the fan
  • John Howard: how being a lying opportunist can get you all the way to the top - and keep you there. depressing, isn't it?
  • Philip Ruddock: a disgrace to his Amnesty badge and a traitor to our democratic traditions
  • al Qaeda and the Taliban: the spirituality of a rabid dog - if they populate Paradise then I'll take my chances elsewhere


At 8:36 am , Blogger Iain said...

Fiji military: four coups in a decade! what's the excuse this time, you dickless wonders

Ummm, Frankie's excuse is that the current government tried to kill him, stole the last election and is composed of the people behind George Speight, leader of the previous coup, who they've pardoned.

But, hey, democracy works everywhere, right?


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